MIT Press eBooks Library—The Computing & Engineering Collection


A special collection of eBooks content in computer science and engineering technologies

IEEE has partnered with the MIT Press to bring additional high-quality eBooks content in computer science and engineering technologies to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The library offers online access to more than 925 titles in fields including computer science, artificial intelligence, information theory, computer programming, information technology, and electrical engineering, broadening the research available to your organization in one platform.

The MIT Press eBooks Library is available as an add-on to an existing IEEE Xplore subscription or as a stand-alone subscription.

* This list is subject to change; some titles may move to 2024 or be removed entirely. This list is partial and more titles will be added later this year.

Features and Benefits

The MIT Press eBooks Library focuses on the content areas that lead today's cutting-edge technologies and help set the standards for future advancements. Subscribers can stay up to date on a wide variety of technology areas and take advantage of these key benefits:

How to Subscribe

The MIT Press eBooks Library is available as an add-on to an existing subscription or as a stand-alone subscription via IEEE Xplore. Choose the subscription option that best meets your needs:

Annual Subscription Option:
2024 Single-site Price US$7,295

The annual subscription option provides leased access to all current year MIT Press eBooks plus leased access to the complete backlist of over 925 titles.

Purchase Option with Perpetual Access:
2024 Single-site Price US$16,995

The purchase option provides perpetual access to all current year MIT Press eBooks plus perpetual access to the complete backlist of over 925 titles. Expand your collection by purchasing new frontlist titles each year.