Tickets for all domestic trains and all trains between Russia and Finland go on sale 90 days before the departure (for some popular trains between Moscow and Saint Petersburg – 120 days before the departure). Tickets for every international train except the routes between Russia and some of the CIS countries go on sale 60 days before the departure. The tickets for the exceptional routes between Russia and CIS countries, mentioned earlier (Ukraine, Moldova, and the former Soviet republics in Central Asia) are open for sale 45 days before the train's departure. Some Ukrainian and Moldovan trains' tickets are open to buying only 30 days before the departure. Although, our website allows you to pre-book tickets for any date you want, even before the tickets come online for sale.
What is the payment method?You can pay for your order online via Uniteller payment service. After confirming the booking, you will be redirected to the secure payment page of Uniteller, where you will be asked to enter the payment details. After payment is done, an electronic receipt with the order information will be e-mailed to the address specified in the payment form. The safety of Uniteller processing is verified by the certificate of the data security standard of the payment card industry PCI DSS. Reliability of the service is ensured by intellectual fraud monitoring system and by using 3D Secure, a modern security technology for Internet payments. The details of your card are entered on a special secure payment page. The information is transferred to the processing company Uniteller using TLS encryption technology, then forwarded through secure banking channels having the highest level of reliability. Uniteller does not communicate your card data to the store and other third parties! If your card supports 3D Secure technology, for payment you will have to undergo an additional user authentication at the issuing bank (the bank that issued your card). To do this, you will be redirected to the page of the bank that issued the card. The verification method depends on the bank. Usually, it is an additional password that is sent as an SMS message, or a scratch-card with variable codes.
Which boarding documents do I need to present when boarding?Following are the presentable documents at the time of boarding: 1) Passport used to issue the ticket; 2) Paper ticket (in case the train does not have an e-sign).
Do I have to print the e-ticket?It is not necessary to print the e-ticket, although it is still recommended to err on the safer side. In case you don’t have a hard copy of the e-ticket, you can show your passport as a form of identification when boarding the train.
Is the ticket fare cut down in case of children?The child discounts are applied on rail tickets for children under 10 years (for some international trains - under 12 and under 17 years old, for commuter trains - 7 years old). One child under the age of 5 years (for some international trains - 4 years, for the trains between Finland and Russia - 6 years) may travel free of charge without a separate seat if accompanied by an adult.